Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Medley - 5

This post reflects the progression of my thoughts from a teenager to an adult. As a teenager, one is confident, sure, and invincible -- but in retrospect ignorant of the complexities of real life. As one faces more of reality, the ground beneath is shaken and everything held sacrosanct and written-in-stone is up for question.

(Y: Answer by young me; A: Answer by adult me.)

Q: Why are there laws?
Y: Laws exist to ensure fairness and justice towards citizens of a nation.
A: To save the common folk from the common folk. To save rich folk from the common folk.

Q: Is the Universe just my imagination?
(That is, nothing really exists except me and my imagination.)
Y:  Certainly not. The world around us is so rich with detail -- nature, other people, stars and planets in the heaven. This definitely is more intense than anybody's imagination.
A: Agnostic. Conscious imagination could just be a rudimentary by-product of subconscious imagination.


On what to be proud of

I'll say this and say nothing more: Think of what you're proud of: something that you've accomplished yourself or something that...